My current Quarter Finalist novel for YA Fiction, is also undergoing self-publishing with Create Space.
I ordered my proof copy mid last week, and living down here in the southern hemisphere in the third world, I expected to receive my copy in a month's time TOPS.
But I came home to a small package and 3 copies of my Proof are here - 4 working days later. Create Space - I am in love.
I must just wax lyrical about my creation:
It is 5.25" x 8" and 212 pages long. Cream paper and full colour cover using a cover template. The template I selected worked SOOOO well with my cover photo and there was the perfect font selection, which quite frankly could not have been bettered. Have a perfect Header layout and my internal graphic - although I received and alert that it may emerge out of focus - is crisp and gorgeous.
Am I boasting or what!? (there is a glaring format issue in that I need to insert a blank page, but other than that it is BEEEA-UUTIFUL!)
People - do yourselves a favour: get your novel self-published and hold a copy in your hands. I feel like a real author now. I am completely inspired to keep going and produce the sequel.
Just wish I could have submitted my entry in hard copy like this.
"How clever I am. Oh the cleverness of me!"
How terrifically exciting. I keep asking how I can get to read it, but you never reply :(
Well it has only been downloable via Kindle until now. Create Space is a self-publishing on demand thingy through Amazon. I ordered 3 proof copies, so will be posting one up to you. It worked out to around R250 for me to order 3 copies and ship from America. Not a way forward for distribution locally - will have to cross fingers and hope for a traditional publisher still. But people will be able to order hard copies as well as Kindle versions now - both versions off Amazon. I have to proof read this version and then hit "go" before I can have it up for distribution. Maybe by the end of the week :-)
CreateSpace really does a nice job. I think if I self-publish again, then I'll try to do my own cover. I'm so happy for you!
It will be so nice to have a Publisher's Weekly review to go along with your book being printed and you can post that on amazon. I wish I had entered the contest with my self-published book so I could have a Publisher's Weekly review.
That's such a beautiful cover!
Looks absolutely beautiful! Congrats, Caroline. And much luck to you :-)
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